Thursday, September 13, 2012

Always Already New - Gitelman

This piece by Lisa Gitelman is a rather interesting one.  For something that I use as often as I do (multiple times a day), I never stopped to ask, what exactly is the history of the internet and all the various components of it.  I knew there were specific ways of formatting for the web, but this article goes into great detail of how the internet came to it's current state.  As you read this, there are probably at least 20 links to various places on the internet, either related to Blogger, or personal links of your favorite sites in your tool bar.  When the internet was first created, that tool bar was much less complicated, it would have consisted of a URL bar, and maybe a few file options.  Now we have different browsers, each of which can be customized to your own preferences.

The internet as a whole is a rather interesting piece of work. It can be added to by anyone, changed (certain pages at least) by anyone.  And in our era, probably stores a copy of almost every form of media.  If there is something you want to know, it's on the web.  The original idea for the internet really comes from Vannevar Bush's Memex (which is mentioned in a recent blog post of mine and also here.).

It's amazing to think about how far the internet has come since its creation only a few decades ago.  Where will it be in a few more? It is getting more and more advanced holding more information.  I have trouble imagining what would come next.  We already have near instant communication, a large encyclopedia, and almost any movie or song you could want.

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