Monday, September 17, 2012

Jean Baudrillard

I won't lie, this piece by Jean Baudrillard from his book "Simulacra & Simulation", was rather interesting, and i did not fully understand much of it.  The way I best understood a small bit of it was in reference to the movie "The Matrix", and how it combines reality and simulation.  Where a mask is put over your head, preventing you from seeing the truth.

The principle of the piece is differentiating between simulation and reality.  What makes a simulation a simulation, and what are the different variations of simulation.  He lists fours different scenarios.

1. Reflection based on reality
2. Perversion of basic reality
3. Masks the absence of a basic reality
4. No relation to reality, is a simulation

He goes into examples of theme parks, and how they can immerse customers into a false world that is simply a simulation, and then into political masks such as Watergate.

Much of the rest of this is beyond me without spending an entire week reviewing the piece.  Although I don't understand much other than the simple premise and examples, this is a very interesting piece that deserves a read.

Piece from "Simulacra and Simulations"

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